English ,Maths and Science Grade 3
- Word building
- Consonant and Vowels
- Rhyming
- Blending and Segmented
- Short and Long Vowel
- Syllabus
- Nouns
- Gender
- One and Many
- Practical learning experience with live project work and examples.
- Pronouns
- Articles
- Adjectives
- Adverbs
- Sentence
- Prepositions
- Conjunctions
- Interjections
- Contraction
- Transitions and Sequence
- Story Writing
- Comprehension
- Counting 1- 100
- Tick () The correct number
- Missing number
- After , before & between
- Skip counting
- Comparing Numbers
- Largest Number
- Smallest Number
- Order of number
- Increasing order
- Decreasing order
- Place value
- Tens and ones
- Short and long form
- Addition
- Count and Add
- Number Line
- Addition of single digit
- Addition of one digit to a two digit Number ( With & Without Regrouping)
- Adding zero
- Story sums
- Subtraction
- Count and Subtract
- Subtract on number line
- Single digit subtraction
- Double digit Subtraction (With or Without Regrouping)
- Subtraction Zero
- Story sum
- Ordinal Number and Cardinal Number
- Pattern
- Make a pattern
- Growing pattern
- Probability
- More or Less Equally
- Certain, Probable, Unlikely and Impossible
- Shape and Venn Diagram
- Two Dimensional shape
- Three Dimensional Shape
- Compare: Vertices, Edges and Faces
- Sort Shaped into Venn diagram
- Count Shapes in a Venn diagram
- Time
- Days of the Week
- Months Of the Year
- Clock
- Measurement
- Long and Short
- Tall and short
- Light and Heavy
- Compare size and weight
- Money
- Data and Graph
- Living and Non Living Things
- Green World of Plants
- Food from Plants
- Wonderful Animals
- Animals : Food and Shelter
- Our Body
- We Need Food
- Housing and Clothing
- Keeping Fit
- Stay Safe
- We Need Air
- We Need Water
- Weather and Seasons
- Up in the Sky
- Nouns
- Kinds of Nouns
- Singular Plural
- Gender
- Pronouns
- Articles
- Adjectives
- Kinds of Adjective
- Verbs
- Adverbs
- Sentence
- Subject and Predicate
- Tenses
- Propositions
- Conjunctions
- Interjections
- Spell check
- Prefixes and Suffixes
- Greek and Latin Roots
- Punctuation, Capitalization and Formatting
- Antonyms , Synonyms and Homophones
- Composition
- Application and Letter Writing
- Essay Writing
- Who am I?
- Story Writing
- Comprehension
- Number System
- Place value (Up to Thousand digit)
- Short form
- Expanded form
- Predecessor
- Successor
- Between
- Compare the Number
- Largest Number
- Smallest Number
- Order of Number
- Increasing order
- Decreasing order
- Even and Odd
- Roman Numbers ( Up to 20)
- Addition
- Up to Four digit Number (With and Without Regrouping)
- Addition of 10’s , 100’s and 1000’s
- Story sums
- Subtraction
- Simple Subtraction up to Four digit Number
- Borrowing Tens, Hundred and Thousand
- Story sum
- Multiplication
- Multiplying Two digit Number by one digit
- Multiplying Three digit Number by one digit
- Multiplying Two digit Number by Two digit
- Multiplying Three digit Number by Two digit
- Table 2 to 20
- Story sum
- Division
- Division fact
- Long Division up to 4 digit
- Divide and Check
- Division by Tens, Hundred, and Thousands
- Story Sums
- Fraction
- Write the Fraction
- Compare the Fraction
- Estimation and Rounding
- Rounding
- Estimating Sums
- Estimating Difference
- Lines and Shapes
- Two-Dimensional Shapes
- Three-Dimensional Shapes
- Tilling
- Tan gram
- Pattern
- Repeated Pattern
- Growing Pattern
- Probability
- More, Less and Equally
- Certain, Likely, Unlikely, Impossible
- Money
- Time
- Clock
- Days of the week
- Month in a year
- Seasons
- Measurement
- Measurement of Length
- Measurement of Mass
- Measurement of Capacity
- Story Sums
- Data and Graph
- Living and Non-living Things
- Plant Life
- Eating Habits of Animals
- Wonderful Birds
- Safety First
- Housing and Clothing
- Air and Water
- Weather and Seasons
- The Earth
- The Solar System
- Soil and Rocks
- Little, Sound and Force
- Measurement