English and Maths Grade 8
- Coming Soon
- Counting 1- 100
- Tick () The correct number
- Missing number
- After , before & between
- Skip counting
- Comparing Numbers
- Largest Number
- Smallest Number
- Order of number
- Increasing order
- Decreasing order
- Place value
- Tens and ones
- Short and long form
- Addition
- Count and Add
- Number Line
- Addition of single digit
- Addition of one digit to a two digit Number ( With & Without Regrouping)
- Adding zero
- Story sums
- Subtraction
- Count and Subtract
- Subtract on number line
- Single digit subtraction
- Double digit Subtraction (With or Without Regrouping)
- Subtraction Zero
- Story sum
- Ordinal Number and Cardinal Number
- Pattern
- Make a pattern
- Growing pattern
- Probability
- More or Less Equally
- Certain, Probable, Unlikely and Impossible
- Shape and Venn Diagram
- Two Dimensional shape
- Three Dimensional Shape
- Compare: Vertices, Edges and Faces
- Sort Shaped into Venn diagram
- Count Shapes in a Venn diagram
- Time
- Days of the Week
- Months Of the Year
- Clock
- Measurement
- Long and Short
- Tall and short
- Light and Heavy
- Compare size and weight
- Money
- Data and Graph
- Living and Non Living Things
- Green World of Plants
- Food from Plants
- Wonderful Animals
- Animals : Food and Shelter
- Our Body
- We Need Food
- Housing and Clothing
- Keeping Fit
- Stay Safe
- We Need Air
- We Need Water
- Weather and Seasons
- Up in the Sky
- Number Theory
- Integers
- Operations with Integers
- Rational Numbers
- Operations with rational numbers
- Exponents and roots
- Scientific Notation
- Ratios, rates and Proportins
- Proportional Relationships
- Fractions , Decimals , and Percents
- Algebra (Variables * Expression )
- Coordinate plane
- Two- dimensional figures
- Congruence and Similarity
- Pythagoras theorem
- Three- Dimensional Figures
- Geometric Measurement
- Monomials and polynomials
- Factorising
- Data and graph
- Statistics
- Probability
- The many uses of Fluid
- Fluids and the particle theory of Matter
- Viscosity and the effect of temperature
- Density and Buoyancy
- Pressure in fluids
- Fluid systems
- The impact of Fluid spills
- Force
- Work and Energy
- Mechanical Advantages
- Simple Machine and Mechanisms
- Efficiency
- Non-Mechanical Systems in Society
- Assessing the impact of automation and alternative system
- Living things and Cell theory
- Comparing plant and Animal Cells
- The flow of Materials into and out of Cells
- Unicellular Organisms
- Multicellular Organisms and Cell Specializations
- Plant and Animal Cellular Processes
- From Cells to Tissues to Organs
- Interdependent Organ system
- The Impact of Research on Cell Biology
Earth and Space
- Earth’s supply of water
- Water’s influence on weather and climate
- The effects of ice on the water system
- Natural and Human Factors affecting our water supply
- Obtaining water quality
- Managing our water systems
- Issues related to Water’s Sustainability
- Water Sustainability through Science and Technology
- Coming Soon